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Identity Essentials

Start with an easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy on-premises MFA solution, then, if and when it makes sense, migrate to the cloud with Identity as a Service. Seamless integration between the two ensures a frictionless experience while benefitting from three extra authentication options: device fingerprint, mobile push, and grid cards.

  • Product Summary
  • Product Details
  • Start with an easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy on-premises MFA solution, then, if and when it makes sense, migrate to the cloud with Identity as a Service. Seamless integration between the two ensures a frictionless experience while benefitting from three extra authentication options: device fingerprint, mobile push, and grid cards.

  • Easy to use, easy to deploy

    Start with an easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy on-premises MFA solution, then, if and when it makes sense, migrate to the cloud with Identity as a Service. Seamless integration between the two ensures a frictionless experience while benefitting from three extra authentication options: device fingerprint, mobile push, and grid cards.

    Entrust Identity Essentials Benefits

    One single solution

    Secure and enable your company´s digital business with one solution, one license 

    User friendly

    Limit user friction with adaptive authentication and self-service password resets

    Maximum Flexibility

    Provision different authentication methods for different users and requirements

    Differentiating Features

    With Identity Essentials, clients get started with an easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy on-premises MFA solution and can migrate to the cloud with Identity as a Service over time, if and when it makes sense.


    Best-in-class MFA

    With a broad range of supported authenticators, match the asset being accessed, the device being used, and the user's technical ability to the authenticators selected.

    check mark on mobile phone icon in hex shape

    Secure device provisioning with ActiveSync for Outlook

    Protect unauthorized devices from accessing user’s email without requiring MDM integration

    clip board icon in hex shape

    Adaptive policy-based authentication

    Added contextual level of authentication applied based on specific policies including geolocation, geofencing and login behavior

    purple icon with cloud image in a hex shape

    Mobile SDK

    Implements, manages, and scales easily with mobile SDK and cloud migration options

    shield icon in hex shape

    IT friendly

    An out-of-the-box MFA solution that can be installed in less than five minutes with no disruption to users

    More than: https://www.entrust.com/digital-security/identity-and-access-management/products/identity-essentials

Product Summary

Start with an easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy on-premises MFA solution, then, if and when it makes sense, migrate to the cloud with Identity as a Service. Seamless integration between the two ensures a frictionless experience while benefitting from three extra authentication options: device fingerprint, mobile push, and grid cards.

Product Details

Easy to use, easy to deploy

Start with an easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy on-premises MFA solution, then, if and when it makes sense, migrate to the cloud with Identity as a Service. Seamless integration between the two ensures a frictionless experience while benefitting from three extra authentication options: device fingerprint, mobile push, and grid cards.

Entrust Identity Essentials Benefits

One single solution

Secure and enable your company´s digital business with one solution, one license 

User friendly

Limit user friction with adaptive authentication and self-service password resets

Maximum Flexibility

Provision different authentication methods for different users and requirements

Differentiating Features

With Identity Essentials, clients get started with an easy-to-use, easy-to-deploy on-premises MFA solution and can migrate to the cloud with Identity as a Service over time, if and when it makes sense.


Best-in-class MFA

With a broad range of supported authenticators, match the asset being accessed, the device being used, and the user's technical ability to the authenticators selected.

check mark on mobile phone icon in hex shape

Secure device provisioning with ActiveSync for Outlook

Protect unauthorized devices from accessing user’s email without requiring MDM integration

clip board icon in hex shape

Adaptive policy-based authentication

Added contextual level of authentication applied based on specific policies including geolocation, geofencing and login behavior

purple icon with cloud image in a hex shape

Mobile SDK

Implements, manages, and scales easily with mobile SDK and cloud migration options

shield icon in hex shape

IT friendly

An out-of-the-box MFA solution that can be installed in less than five minutes with no disruption to users

More than: https://www.entrust.com/digital-security/identity-and-access-management/products/identity-essentials