+90(216) 352 13 68-70 info@teknoa.com.tr



Leveraging data to understand audiences

Location data is disrupting the media industry. It acts as a bridge between the digital and the physical worlds, helping advertisers understand and leverage all the data they hold about consumers.

A greater understanding of where consumers have been, where they are, and where they’re going paints a clearer picture of who the consumer is, revealing patterns and enabling predictions.

The media industry can leverage location data and services from HERE to improve their data science, gain a better understanding of consumers and build more efficient campaigns. 

Areas of expertise

Top down view of people at museum


Enhance the advertising ecosystem with leading location data and services

More details: https://www.here.com/solutions/internet-media/location-based-advertising


Amsterdam  tram  station


Helping publishers better understand their audiences

More details: https://www.here.com/solutions/internet-media/publishers

More than: https://www.here.com/solutions/internet-media
